Jumapili, 18 Desemba 2016

Picha ya Alikiba na mdogo wake Zari yazua kasheshe mtandaoni By Criss paul

Picha ya Alikiba na mdogo wake
Zari yazua kasheshe mtandaoni
By Criss paul..

Mdogo wake Zari The Bosslady, Zuleha amezua
kasheshe mtandaoni baada ya kupost picha akiwa
na Alikiba. Wawili hao walikutana jijini Kampala,
ambako Alikiba alienda kwaajili ya kutumbuiza
kwenye tamasha la Blankets and Wines.
Zuleha ambaye ni tumbo moja na Zari, alipost
picha hiyo akiwa na Alikiba Instagram, na
kuandika: With the one and only @officialalikiba,
c u at blankets and wines.”
Hiyo imekuwa picha yake maarufu zaidi katika
zote alizowahi kupost huku ikivutia malumbano
makali kati ya mashabiki wa Diamond na Alikiba.
Dada yake, Zari aliyebaki kucheka tu kwa
comments hizo, alichangia kwa kuandika: Just
passing by to read the comments, yall neighbors
are something else.”
Hizi ni baadhi ya comments:
ozubery: Tunaomba naww mzalie mtt
@officialalikiba kwanza anajua kuimba kuliko
shemeji yako ndomo poa pili anahela kuliko baba
tiffa nakuakikishia atakujengea mjengo hukoooo
alikomjengea mwanae @kiba_junior rondon
halafu na wewe utakua star kawa dadayako sijui
mama yako @zulehah @zulehah @zulehah
tunaomba uwe shemeji yetu
jacksonhatibu: Haaaaa @zarithebosslady
@zulehah this is not tiny League ….daahh …
don’t get offended bcoz of this massive attack
from Tzpeeps …..Another day b4 you Post them
you shd prepare yoself psychologically…. It’s ol
abt Love
junosesque: Don’t see any bid deal with selfies.
If she requested and @officialalikiba accepted
what’s wrong with that? He is a celebrity and he
can not put off his fans when they request for
one. For me no big deal!
amisha32: You betray diamond they will never
forgive you don’t you ever step in madale house
u betrayer why you take pic with kiba his our
enemy.. Wcb will not forgive you zuleha @zulehah
hellen_spr: When I read all this comments… I
can’t help but wonder how some Tanzanians are
mannerless. Don’t they teach you manners in
school or home? You just gossip.. Insult people.
Yaani two adults cannot take a photo without all
this bashing and criticism. You don’t even love
your own @diamondplatnumz who is making
Tanzania known all over the world. His love life
his choice. There are people who value others. In
Kenya we do not insult celebrities ovyo ovyo.
Shame on some of you.
vincycai6145: Kiba better watch himself them
bitches are known gold diggers just like zari. So
one sister already baited diamomd, so kiba
better watch his back. Or he would be paying
that child support. And she would be popping
them babies like they candy. Lmfaoooo
rashdar: Well done @zulehah nashauri ukienda
kwenye blancets&wines piga nae nyingine
ukiamka tuma tena .music una Siri yake
ukiwa mzuri utauimba tu hata ukiwa chooni
hamna sehemu ya burudani wanapiga nyimbo za
kiba au chibu peke yake only instagram ndo watu
tunalazimisha kupenda kazi za mtu mmoja tu

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni